Friday, November 24, 2006

the hipodrome of CARACAS

sooo the following day , my trip got better , I stoped being sick , every symtom was gone, and we were on our way home , when we passed by the hipodrome , my host father here loves following the races and betting and such... so we stoped. the place was very old , or so ive been told , and deffenetly could use the renevation , but it was beautiful as it was as well. we stayed a while.. betted on a couple races , I took pictures.
me at the hippodrome checking out some horses..
the view before a race.. look at the hundereds of houses in the backround... its crazy!!
for more pictures( check out the photo bucket under venezuela-caracas-hipodrome )

for thanks giving here.. since they dont really celebrate it .. like in america here... My adoribly nice host family cooked me .. a whole turkey mash patatoes , prapagranza to make me feel like I was celebrating it in EE UU .. haha it was nice. and we had alot of my neightboors over , fun fun.. when the next was over we well all full and marched on on to bed !!! .. ( pictures in the photobucket under fiesta- my thanksgiving )

what else is new .. in my life .. now a days... lets see.. flaminco is going great, I had an evaluation wensday.. I think it went ok... this weekend im all about helping one of my freinds fill out her rotary application. She wants to go to ENgland next year !! good LUCK PARTRICIA I hope you get it ... !!!! oh ..and Im going to paint my room here ORANGE.. haha.. come on now.. when else am I gonna get the chance to paint my room ORANGE !! people here are calling me crazy(loca) because of it ... but oh well ! Im just creative ""


Blogger Lorriana said...

off to california you go!!

7:06 PM  

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