Wednesday, July 18, 2007

12 days left..

smile and frown.. ups and downs... as we all know an unbrella upsidedown doesnt serve much.. but it froms a smile...

meaning.. that from the error that one makes , one learns , and as my mother would probebly say , one laughts , smiles... where we find again our umbrella upside down. .... did any one follow this ¿? hope so.

soo I have 12 days left... filled with graduation , misal , and graduations parties , not to forget all the good byes .... the last moments in venezuela I shall share this year.... tear tear... but theres.. always a bright side.. I get to see my fam and friends.. that I havent seen in months.. soon, that I really dearly miss... maybe they wont reconized me ... ahhaha what am I inventing.. I look the same right ? ... well maybe ive changed.

exsited are we ¿ who still reads me ¿ well im comming back on the 30th for tose interested .... SMILE !!
breath! the world still turning.
live love life

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Im on my way back homw soon.. im leaving venezuela on the 30th of this month.. so thats what.. like in 19 days ?? i dont know saying it like that sound so much... closer of further then what I imagine it ?? I a bit confuse at the moment... I dont actually know if any body still reads this page.. but for those who do... ive had wonderfull experiences in venezuela.. and it was worth it coming here ! everymoment it!! I just wanna say thank you to all that have made this possible for me...

and those I miss... ill see you soon.. but then im leaving behind a few that ill miess a LOT dare I say that Ive met some ppl along the way that I will never forget. true freinds are hard to come by... ppl that a value , ill trully miss. I adore you. one should know who they are.