Sunday, December 31, 2006


the holidays.. were odd with out my dearest snow.. and in a different country....not to mention wiht out my genetical family..... but.. over all it was all good.. after all im gettting older , I hate to admit it.. but mayber x mas loosing some of its magic... Im still spontaniously generous around this time of the year tho, I gave a homeless man here a PAn de Jambon which is a bread with ham in it.. like a ham roll.. tranditional x mas food from venezuela.. along with the hallacas.

I never got around to showing youll pictures.. but I have a whole how to make hallacas pictures... they just got lost in transelation , when I saved all my pictures onto cds.. and im too lazy to look throught them now.. unless one of you make a special recest for them.. touff .
same goes for the holidays pictures... but hey I went to SANTA FE ; VENZUELA the other day..its gorgeous beyond words. those pictures are up for you to see at the phto bucket under venezuela/santa fee it was amazing.. gorgeous I went kinda suba diving. and ate the fish I caught, fried it.. and such, etc.. oh ya and I got a cold...

today is new years eve... HAPPY NEW YEARS:: ill tell you how it goes.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

catchin' up

haha I dont even know if the tittle iis english.. but its all good.. soo lets see.. what has Lorriana been up too.. well .. well... life afther the election changed alot of the society. things got quieter.. people stayed in theire housas more.. but more or less everything the same.. chavez is still off giving away the money of the people to different personal friends of his..

as for me... right now im on x-mas vacation `till january 8th I belive.. I got my grades for the first term. here there are :

Castellano y Literatura 15/20 Spanish literature
Geografia de Venezuela 15/20 geo of venezuela
Deporte 14/20 gym ( which you have to write papers in)
Ciencia de la Tierra 16/20 earth science
Mathematica 14/20 math
Biologia 15/20 indepth bio
Ingles 19/20 english
Fisica 16/20 physic
Quimica 17/20 chemestry
Pre militar 15/20 pre military

times the number by 5 to get the percentage the grading system her just different

Im not really happy with them... but people around me here are congradulating me.. since.. it my first term in a different culture , different system , different language..and the fact that a I did better then a bucnh of my classmates. ill do better next term. defenetly.!

what esle.. oh I went to caracas again.. things were a lot better this time.. stayed in a hotel.. went to a zoo, and a really cool hidden german base village were they grow straberries.. haha ( pics to come) umm ya.. all the rest is pretty much just going out.. and having a good time.. getting to know more of the culture and christmas traditions.. like today I made hallacas ( pictures to come sorry about that.. ppl .im upgradoing my pictures and burning them to cds.. soo everything on hold.. considering pics! )

well im off for now.. Love you all !"! HAPPY HOLIDAYS ! !! send me SNOW !! I feel like im in july !!! help !" haha SNOW !!

Monday, December 04, 2006


A 19 year old boy cryed in my arms last night.
Because he feard the future of his country.
Becasue he felt that his vote went strait throught the system and made no difference.
Imagine that... the youth, ones that actually care,
who took the time to dress in pride ( azul azulito) to go out and vote for the very first time. exsited as can be. Whom voted for a change. Voted for a better future for his society. His little sister in mind, he voted to change the fact that theirs eighty percent poverty in Venezuela. he voted in order to give her , the opportunity of a better life. This he said to me, shaking , his eyes watering.
Reaching for me to tell him that it wasnt true. that he , and his family, his nation are not to have eight more years with a president who gives aways there natural ressourse. Who kepts all the wealth of the country as his own personaly sending money. A president who in a time of cris for his people, bought himslef a plane , fully loaded , furnish in the best. taking trips to fifteen different countries for pure enjoyment while his people are starving in the streets , stealing for survive.
"Tell me this isnt right" -said the boy
he wins with 5.936.141 votes while the blue party lacks in numbers... Manuel Rosales 3.868.847

"that this isnt the world that Im living in, that I have to grow up in , built a life here<'?" shaking his head in shame he feels that his vote made no difference. he seeks confort in me ( becasue for some how I represent hope. opportuniy , a chance , a way out. ) he tells me that he has a passport if things come to worse, but that he couldnt leave his family here to endure the pain while hed be off somewhere having "fun" .

Tragic. I wish him the best. and did all that I could , holding him tihght wipping the falling tears off his palish face . a face which only hours before was full of life , exsictement and hope. but now is left rob of its happyness ,devestaded.... what more could he have done ?

Sunday, December 03, 2006


Chávez gana reelección por gran margen
Por FABIOLA SANCHEZ - CARACAS - Diciembre 04, 2006

El presidente Hugo Chávez ganó el domingo un nuevo mandato de seis años con una amplia ventaja, según resultados divulgados por el Consejo Nacional Electoral.

Con 78,31% de las actas de votación escrutadas, Chávez contaba con 61,35% o 5,9 millones de votos, y su adversario, el gobernador del estado petrolero del Zulia, Manuel Rosales, con 38,39% o 3,7 millones de votos, indicó el Consejo en su primer boletín oficial. La participación fue del 62%, por lo que la ventaja de Chávez es irreversible.

Antes del anuncio oficial, los simpatizantes de Chávez ya habían lanzado en el centro de la ciudad una lluvia de fuegos artificiales desde la sede del Ministerio del Interior, mientras decenas de partidarios recorrían las principales calles en motos y portando banderas rojas.

Los datos preliminares conceden a Chávez la cuarta victoria electoral desde 1998, cuando ganó la presidencia por primera vez.

No hubo un pronunciamiento inmediato de Rosales.

Los resultados coinciden con la mayoría de las encuestas que en los últimos meses otorgaron una amplia victoria a Chávez en su intento de conseguir un nuevo mandato de seis años.

Sin embargo, parece difícil que el presidente alcance su meta de ganar con 10 millones de votos, lo que fue el centro de su campaña electoral.

"Viva la revolución socialista, el destino estaba escrito", dijo Chávez desde un balcón en el palacio de gobierno y tras cantar el himno nacional rodeado de algunos de sus ministros, mientras abajo en la calle miles de simpatizantes gritaban "uh ah, Chávez no se va".

"Digo como Cristo: todo está consumado", agregó el mandatario con los brazos en alto y vestido de rojo.

Bajo una fuerte lluvia, Chávez dijo que a pesar de las "campañas satanizadoras" había ganado el pueblo y que se trataba ahora era de profundizar la revolución socialista.

"Que nadie le tenga miedo al socialismo...el socialismo es humano, el socialismo es amor", gritó el mandatario cuando multitudes abajo agitaban banderas tricolores.

Hoy "comienza pues esa nueva era...Venezuela, lo hemos demostrado, es roja, rojita", dijo el presidente, cuyo mandato en los últimos años ha estado rodeado de tropiezos, agitaciones y la sobrevivencia política de un hombre de innegable carisma, pero que además maneja las ingentes riquezas petroleras del quinto exportador de crudo más grande del mundo.

Chávez dedicó su triunfo al pueblo cubano y a su mandatario Fidel Castro.

Al otro extremo de la ciudad, se esperaba que Rosales hablara.

Chávez es el primer presidente de la democracia venezolana en ganar cuatro elecciones continuas.

Rosales, de 53 años, sufragó en Maracaibo, la capital de su estado petrolero del Zulia. "Aspiramos a que esto (la elección) termine bien... que el cielo se ilumine de alegría y nos abracemos como hermanos", expresó.

El próximo gobierno deberá encarar un país dividido políticamente y con una tasa de desempleo de alrededor de 9%, aunque analistas económicos destacan que la mitad de la fuerza laboral de casi 11 millones de personas está en el sector informal.

Igualmente existe un déficit habitacional de más de un millón de viviendas, mientras la criminalidad dejó en 2005 unos 9.000 homicidios, ligeramente por debajo del año anterior.

Chávez fue elegido en una primera elección en diciembre de 1998. Tras alzarse con la victoria, Chávez convocó a una asamblea constituyente que reformó la carta magna y entre otros cambios introdujo la posibilidad de la reelección inmediata y extendió de cinco a seis años el período de gobierno.

Para ajustarse a esa nueva norma, se realizaron nuevos comicios en el año 2000, ganados por Chávez, y más tarde la oposición impulsó un referéndum revocatorio del mandato del gobernante, en 2004, pero que Chávez logró derrotar.ç

Alll right I know .. thats in spanish.. I just couldnt find it right quite in english.. but its everywhere in the new.. fresh out the ziploc. its 12 30 am .. today was the day the people voted.. for there new president... well in hope of... but I guess thats not what they got.. chavez was " re elected" the people around me disapointed...not known what to expect next to go wrong...4 to eight more years of destruction of the nation to await for, said one of my neighboors... (( I KNOW as an exchange studetn im not suppose to get involved with politics ,,but its hard not too its all around me . its affecting mmy dayle life. the topic of every other conversation. soo of scourse I builded up an oppinion of my own. but ill keep it quiet.

ill keep the world up dated. IM safe nothing to worrie about. my passport canadian anyways...