Friday, September 08, 2006

day 2

today is a special holoday in Venezuela, its a day of celebration of the virgin Marry. And since everyone is pretty much catholic here its a very important day. My neightbor and her mom brought me down to the beach to see the Virgin Mary, which infact was a big sculture of her. I,ve yet to understand why in the catholic religion everyone worships a caucasian (white) lady even if their of a different race... and if mary and Jesus lived in Jeruselem ( mind my spelling ) they wouldnt in fact be white... so why is the representation of white ??
My neighbor is one of the many people that came to get me at the airport. Her name is Marry-Ann and she 13 years old. she is to be cosider my host sister eventhough in reality she not related to my host mom.. but everyone around me seems to be a big family. You know the saying it takes a village to raise a child. Well in the setting it seem very accurate. everyone helps each other, while they also have their personal life. Its fun to see and brings warmth to my heart.
SO far here I`ve be driven throught down town and saw where my future school was. Its A tiny school which I think is pretty much family oriented, My host moms sister is the principal. I've been to the beach and got sunburn, because compaired to people here im as white as paper.. so now im red as a tomato, well maybe not but pretty close too. Lets see how dark I get.
When I first got here the fact that all the windows have like cages (resembeling jail) around them scared me.. but now that Ive been out of the apartement building I live in ..
where I live

I see that its normal and that every apartement building has it , even the houses and stores. Everything is very colorful here, every other building is a different pastel like color .
the veiw form the main street

theirs plame (spelling) trees everywhere some with paint on them on them for decoration others bare. Theirs flower surrounding just about eery building , which bring more beauty to them. I personally like to put them in my hair. ^-^ it.

I feel as though im learing spanish by the moment because it now surrounds me. and knowing french helps ho so very much. I have A tutor set up as an exchage in the near future. Trading spanish for english.
well im off to learn t`ill next time.
*** I love you all.***
*I adore you dominick*


Blogger Lorriana said...

help is needed to post up pictures.. I dont feel to safe about dumping my picture in this computer.. because like every kid in the building or it seems like .. uses it. for there amusment.. and ya they look throught everything.. I dont thingk privacy exist much here...

I love ya lil bro I miss ya.

ps. if you can help me dump them on photo bucket or something id be great... email instruction. please!!!

6:17 PM  

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